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Immunization Requirements

Applies to:Original Policy Date:Date of Last Review:Approved by:
Main Campus Students July 2, 2009 January 6, 2022 Dr. Marco Carvalho
Executive Vice President and Provost

Policy Owner: Holzer Health Center

Policy Purpose

This policy establishes immunization requirements to protect the Florida Tech campus community from communicable diseases and to comply with state statutes.

Policy Scope

All main campus students, excluding students participating in dual enrollment and career-based continuing education programs.

Policy Statement

All main campus students born after January 1, 1957 are required to submit immunization records to the immunization verification system, Med+Proctor, and provide either proof of two MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella) vaccines, or proof of immunity by titers.

All main campus students must complete a tuberculosis screening questionnaire on their Med+Proctor account. If the questionnaire indicates tuberculosis risk, the student will be required to provide proof of negative tuberculosis test no sooner than six months prior to the start of classes. Any student that tests positive for tuberculosis will be required to upload proof of a negative chest x-ray.

Students living on campus are also required to provide proof of Hepatitis B series (three doses) and Meningitis ACWY vaccine (one dose after the age of 16) or sign a waiver indicating they have read the information provided regarding meningitis and Hepatitis B and understand the risks.


Health registration holds are added to applicable student accounts at the time of admission.

All main campus students will create a Med+Proctor account and upload the required records. Med+Proctor communicates directly with students, verifying that requirements have been met or that documentation is still incomplete. The hold will be lifted after all immunization and verification requirements are completed by the student and verified by Med+Proctor.

Students who believe immunizations conflict with their religious tenets or practices may request an exemption to immunization for measles, mumps, rubella, meningitis, and hepatitis by completing a religious exemption form and reviewing the exemption policy with a healthcare provider through the Holzer Health Center. This form should be uploaded to Med+Proctor for verification. Exemptions are not granted for the tuberculosis questionnaire or testing requirement.


MMR: Measles, Mumps and Rubella

TB: Tuberculosis

Med+Proctor: Immunization Verification Website

ACHA: American College Health Association

Compliance Reference

Florida Statutes 1006.69: Vaccination against meningococcal meningitis and hepatitis B.

American College Health Association (ACHA) Guidelines: Immunization Recommendations for College Students


Students are responsible for creating a Med+Proctor account, uploading all required documentation, and completing related questionnaires and TB testing as specified in this policy.

Admissions is responsible for applying health holds to applicable student accounts upon admission.

The Holzer Health Center is responsible for maintaining the relationship with Med+Proctor and setting immunization requirements based on Florida State Statues and guidelines set by ACHA and the Brevard County Health Department.


Students will not be eligible to register for classes until the verification requirements are completed and verified by Med+Proctor.


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