International Partnerships

Over the past fifty years, Florida Tech has developed partnership agreements, including student exchange opportunities, with various institutions around the world. Many of our exchanges are on a reciprocal basis, and providing there is a balanced exchange, participating students pay tuition at their home institution.

Although there is no formal process at Florida Tech to ensure reciprocal exchange abroad, Florida Tech encourages as many U.S. faculty and students to go abroad as possible. Please feel free to share with us your plans for doing research, studying, and training abroad in an exchange program. We will include this information in the report we send to the Department of State each year.

School / UniversityCountry
Air Line Pilots Association, International  
American Univeristy in Vietnam Vietnam
Department of Naval Architecure and Ocean Engineering, Seoul National University So Korea
Bern University of Applied Sciences Switzerland
Ecole National d'Aviation Civile (ENAC) France
Embassy of the Sultanate of Oman - Cultural Division Oman
Higher Colleges of Technology United Arab Emirates
Hubei University of Economics China
Jiangxi Provincial Education Department China
Ministry of Education and Sports of Aruba Aruba
Mu'tah University Jordan
National Taipei University of Science and Technology Taiwan
Norwegian School of Managment Norway
Palacky University Olomouc Czechia
Qujing City Qilin Vocational Technical School China
Sehan University So Korea
Shijiazhuang Tiedao University China
Soochow University Taiwan
Suleyman Demirel University Turkey
Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Miami Taiwan
Tatung University Taiwan
Tunghai University Taiwan
Universidad Regional Amazonica Ikiam Ecuador
Universidad Technologica de Panama Panama
Univeristy of Southern Europe, Monaco Monaco
Wenzhou Medical University China
Wuhan Institute of Technology China
Yunnan University of Finance and Economics China